That night at the Bronze, Buffy tries to make Angel jealous by leaving with Ford. However, as soon as they get out, Buffy sees a vampire. She tells to leave but he sees her slay a vampire. Buffy tries to cover up, but then Ford tells her he already knows that she is the Vampire Slayer.
After, Ford enters a Gothic club, where there is a vampire movie playing on the television. Then Ford tells another teen, "A couple more days and we'll get to do the two things every American teen should have the chance to do: die young, and stay pretty." At the same time, Willow has a visitor. It is Angel, who asks Willow to look up on Ford. Willow dismisses his suspicions as jealousy, until she fails to find his school records.
The next night, Willow, Angel and Xander heads to the club Ford was in the night before to investigate. There they find a bunch of "vampire wannabes". Buffy finds vampires on the school campus and fights them with Ford, who claims to have bagged one. However Buffy decides she has to interrupt Giles on his date with Jenny. As they're in the library Buffy sees a picture of Drusilla. Giles says that she is killed by a mob in Prague. Just then, a vampire whom Ford said he has killed rushes in and steals a book.
In the warehouse the vampire brings the book to Spike. Ford also makes an entrance and makes a trade with Spike: he becomes a vampire if he gets the Slayer for Spike. When Angel warns Buffy about Ford, she asks him about Drusilla, and he reveals a rather cruel side - of how he tortured Drusilla to insanity before turning her. Buffy goes to confront Ford, but finds herself locks in an ex-bomb shelter which can only be entered from the outside.
Buffy tries to reason to Ford, but he tells her that he has no choice because he's going to die anyway. Buffy is stunned by what he has said, and he uses that opportunity to knock her out. It is by then sunset, and the vampires are arriving. Spike orders them to feed on the people caged. Buffy wakes up and before Ford can knock her out again, she hits him and she grabs Drusilla. Fearing for her safety, Spike orders his minions to let the people go, and Buffy in turns locks them in the cage. When Ford wakes up, he demands Spike keeps his side of the bargain. Cut to Buffy patrolling with Giles, she is upset about Ford. Just then, the vampire Ford rises from his grave, and Buffy stakes him quickly.
Giles: Euh, I've been researching your friend Spike. Euh, the profile is fairly unappetizing.
Cordelia: I just don't see why everyone's always picking on Marie Antoinette. I can so relate to her. She worked really hard to look that good, and people just don't appreciate that kind of effort. And I know the peasants were all depressed...
Xander: I think you mean 'oppressed'.
Cordelia: Whatever. They were cranky. So they're, like, 'Let's lose some heads'. Uhhh! That's fair. And, and Marie Antoinette cared about them. She was gonna let them have
Xander: Aww, you just need cheering up. And I know just the thing! Crazed dance party at the Bronze!
Buffy: I dunno.
Xander: Very calm dance party at the Bronze? (pause) Moping at the Bronze.
Buffy: This is great! Well, I mean, it's hard, sudden move, all your friends, delicate time, very emotional, but let's talk about me!
Ford: Well, I was a manly sixth-grader. I couldn't bother with someone (Buffy) that young.
Buffy: It was terrible. I moped over you for months. Sitting in my room listening to that Divinyls song 'I Touch Myself'. (pause) Of course, I had no idea what it was about.
(after they leave)
Xander: This is Ford, my bestest friend of all my friends! Jeez, doesn't she know any fat guys?
Willow: Oh, that's what that song is about?!
Buffy: So. What'd you do last night?
Angel: Nothin'.
Buffy: Nothing at all. You ceased to exist?
Angel: I guess I need help.
Willow: Help? You mean like on homework? (pause) No, 'cause you're old and you already know stuff.
Willow: Uh, Angel? If I say something you really don't wanna hear, do you promise not to bite me?
Angel: Are you gonna tell me that I'm jealous?
Angel: You know, I never used to. Things used to be pretty simple. A hundred years, just hanging out, feelin'
guilty... I really honed my brooding skills.
Giles (to Buffy): Oh! You are not, by any chance, betraying your secret identity just to impress, um, cute boys, are you?
Xander: In no way do we stick out like sore thumbs.
Willow: Okay, but do they really stick out?
Xander: What?
Willow: Sore thumbs. Do they stick out? I mean, have you ever seen a
thumb and gone, 'Wow! That baby is sore!'
Xander: You have too many thoughts.
Angel: These people don't know anything about vampires. What they are, how they live, how they dress... (a man who looks exactly like Angel walks by)
Jenny: (stops in her tracks) You hated it that much? You coulda just said something.
Giles: Uh, honestly, I, I've always, I've always been interested in,
in, uh, monster trucks.
Buffy: You took him to monster trucks?
Jenny: I thought it would be a change!
Giles: It was a change.
Jenny: Look, we could've just left.
Giles: Wha-what, and miss the nitro-burning funny cars? No, couldn't
have that.
Giles: Um, she's called Drusilla, a sometime paramour of Spike's. She was killed by an angry mob in Prague.
Buffy: Well, they don't make angry mobs like they used to, 'cause this girl's alive. I saw her with Angel.
Drusilla (to dead bird):
Drusilla: You sing the sweetest little song. Won't you sing for me,
hmm? Don't you love me anymore? (pause) Come on. (whistles) I'll pout if you don't sing. (cut out some dialogue) I'll give you a seed if you sing.
Spike: The bird's dead, Dru. You left it in a cage, and you didn't feed it, and now it's all dead, just like the last one. Oh, I'm sorry baby. I'm a bad, rude man. I just don't like you goin' out, that's all. You are weak. Would you like a new bird? One that's not dead?
Spike: Do I have anyone on watch here? It's called security, people. Are you all asleep? Or did we finally find a
restaurant that delivers?
Ford: I know who you are.
Spike: Yeah, I know who I am, too. So what?
Ford: Yes! See, this is the best! I wanna be like you. A vampire.
Spike: I've known you for two minutes, and I can't stand you. I don't really feature you livin' forever. (to Drusilla) Can I eat him now, love?
Angel: I did a lot of unconscionable things when I became a vampire. Drusilla was the worst. She was an obsession of mine. She was pure and sweet and chaste...
Buffy: And you made her a vampire.
Angel: First I made her insane. Killed everybody she
loved. Visited every mental torture on her I could devise. She eventually fled to a convent, and on the day she took her holy
orders, I turned her into a demon.
Buffy: Well. I asked for the truth.
Buffy (to Spike): Good idea. Now you let everyone out, or your girlfriend fits in an ashtray.
Spike (trying to get out of the bomb shelter): Uh, where's the doorknob?
Buffy: Does it ever get easy?
Giles: You mean life?
Buffy: Yeah. Does it get easy?
Giles: What do you want me to say?
Buffy: Lie to me.
Giles: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.
Buffy: Liar.