Buffy, Willow and Xander take turns trying to convince Giles to ask Miss Calendar out, but she beats him to it by asking him to the football match. At the same time, the gang narrows their search down to Eric and Chris, whose brother Daryl died in a rockclimbing accident. Daryl was the school's quarterback before the accident, and was also Cordelia's boyfriend.
At Chris's house, Chris and Eric discuss how they are going to find a head for their "body" before the other parts undergo atrophy. Chris refuses to kill anyone, until a shadow emerges. It is Daryl, only his face is criss-crossed with scars. He reminds Chris that Chris has promised to look after him after bringing him back from the dead. Eric asks Daryl which of the three girls' (Willow, Buffy, Cordelia) faces he likes, and Daryl picks Cordelia.
Buffy rushes to Chris's house, only to find everyone has gone, as well as a photo of Cordelia's head pasted on the plans. She returns to the match, stopping Eric and Chris from kidnapping Cordelia. Cordelia however rushes off to her cheerleading, despite Buffy's pleas. Buffy, however, is able to convince Chris to help her stop Eric from killing anyone. They rush back to Chris's basement, to find that Daryl has run away.
Back at the game, Giles and Jenny's date is ruined as Willow and Xander join them while Cordelia's cries are ignored as she is carted off by Daryl. Chris realises Eric is trying to finish assembling the body. Buffy rushes to the old science lab where Cordelia is tied up and blindfolded. She pleads to have the blindfold removed but she screams as she sees Daryl's disfigured face. She screams even louder as she is shown the body Chris has put together.
Just as Eric gets ready to start the procedure, Buffy arrives. Daryl tries to hack off Cordelia's head, knocking over a can of gasoline. As Daryl and Buffy fight, he throws a canister which catches on fire. Soon the room building is lighting up. Xander struggles to untie Cordelia as the fire spreads. As the body begins to burn, Daryl rushes to save it, only to be engulfed in the fire as well.
Afterwards, Giles is relieved that Jenny is still willing to go out with him after that incident, while Xander whines to Willow about the lack of dates he has, esp. since everyone else seems to be paired off. Cordelia calls Xander brave and heroic but he brushes her off. Angel tells Buffy that he was indeed jealous of Xander when Buffy danced with him.
Giles (to a chair): (clears his throat) W-w-w-what I'm proposing is, um... and I-I don't mean to appear indecorous, is, is, um, a, a-a-a social engagement, um, a, a, a, a-a date, if you're amenable. You idiot!
Buffy: I guess we never realized how much you like that chair.
Buffy: Then if you wouldn't mind a little Gene and Roger, you might wanna leave off the 'idiot' part. Being called an idiot tends to take people out of the dating mood.
Xander: Hmm, it actually kinda turns me on.
Buffy: I fear you.
Willow: I'm probably the only girl in school
who has the coroner's office bookmarked as a favorite place.
Willow: It says that Meredith and two other girls in the car were killed instantly. They were all on the Fondren High Pep Squad, on the way to a game.
Buffy: You know what this means.
Xander: That Fondren might actually beat Sunnydale in the cross-town
body count competition this year?
Cordelia: Darn, I have cheerleader practice tonight. Boy, I wish I knew we were gonna be digging up dead people sooner. I would've canceled.
Xander: Y'know, this might go a lot faster if you femmes actually picked up a shovel, too.
Buffy: Sorry, but I'm an old-fashioned gal. I was raised to believe
that men dig up the corpses and the women have the babies.
Angel: Well, what I saw didn't add up to three whole girls. I think they kept some parts.
Buffy: Could this get yuckier?
Willow: They probably kept the other parts to eat.
Buffy: Question answered
Giles: You understand, in my capacity as school official, this search is completely unauthorized, and I, I cannot condone it.
Buffy: Fine, your butt's covered. Wanna grab a locker?
Giles: Um yes, yes, of course
Buffy: Ok Giles, just remember: I feel a thing, you feel a thing... But personalize it.
Giles: Personalize it?
Buffy: She's a techno pagan, right? Ask her to bless your laptop.